Legacy Worthy Living

Legacy: You're In It For The Long Game.


Your Character

Look in the mirror and ask yourself: "Am I someone with a compelling character so others look up to me and want to imitate me (after all, imitation is the highest form of flattery) and do I exhibit upstanding qualities so small children may want to grow up and be like me?"

Living a "legacy worthy" life is how we live today, into the future, and how we will be remembered. How we will be remembered, is in fact, not just when your life is over, it is now, because it's your reputation. Your reputation is how people think of and talk about you.

Maybe it is time to clarify or upgrade your personal constitition. Your own code of conduct. Living intentially on a set of principles. Living life on your terms. LIVE SMART.


Your Contribution

What is a legacy?  Legacy is two-fold. It is the practical steps of estates and finances and going through archives and the stories that take you down memory lane. It is also, what you do today, with a focus on improving and upgrading your plans for better business and enjoyable personal living. It is both the material possessions and the non-material practices that comprise your legacy. 

Legacy Chiefs aka "Chief Legacy Officers" are the contributors who also protect and preserve traditions and values. You give in multiple ways. Legacy is what you contribute and what you conserve. Your participation and contribution are well-thought out.

Legacy is the long-game. Legacy is longevity. Your legacy is for living and experiencing now, and for making plans that go beyond you, and because of you. GIVE SMART.


Your Community

What conversations are you having? Conversations with those closest to you: your intimate partners and family. Confering with those on you team, in your business and your community.

How are you shaping your culture? Your culture shapes your legacy. You champion the culture and the constituents by connecting to your conscience and bringing out their best. This is multiplication not addition and if done right, has an exponential effect on people for the better. You leave your mark in the values you instill. There is a ripple effect with intelligence increasing and people get smarter in your presence.

There is continuity in legacy when you prepare properly with ample time to consider the various positive impact you have today and going forward. What expectations have you put in place?

Legacy Chiefs leave their mark in their communities by amplifying the good, the brain power, the generosity, the creativity, and heartfelt compassion for others. LEAVE YOUR MARK.

Beyond You. Because of You.

The Chieftain Tribe experiential program is for those who claim for themselves the title of "Chief Legacy Officer", the go-givers, the leaders with strong character, the entrepreneurs of high-caliber, the community pillars, and the changemakers who champion a cause, challenge the status quo, brainstorm to solve the problems, and strive to live a 'legacy worthy' life.

Wisdom #1

Unpack your wisdom in a memorable narrative that positions you in a revolutionary way.

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Wisdom #2

Go deep to transform both the way you grow resources and share your unique wisdom and contribution.

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Wisdom #3

Ready to mesmerise with stories and values that shift thinking while you spread your wisdom?

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Legacy Worthy Living. Legacy Worthy Business.

Questions about Legacy – the FAQ that really should be asked about legacy.

Genius. That's what's in the distinctive Legacy Chief™ workshop experience. Sherrie Rose boldly shares what few in the self-help space know how to do and what few in the financial and estate services industry are willing to disclose. Unlike financial advisors or estate attorneys who have their agenda, Sherrie closes the gap and helps you cross the chasm by providing you with the knowledge to ask smart questions, safeguard what's important, take wise actions, and feel the kind of peace of mind that let's you sleep well at night. Sherrie developed this experiential workshop and training program because of the gap in how Legacy is generally handled. It's a smart move to check out the Chieftain Tribe™ mastermind program: simply select "Learn More" above on this page on any of the 3 Wisdoms. Get ready to Echo Your Legacy™

Certainty for tomorrow. First, optimize today. Optimize, from Latin optimus, and literally means “the best.” You can optimize every aspect of your life with more wisdom that leads to an amazing legacy. So many areas of life can be improved and optimized such as health, wealth, fitness, business, neuroscience, relationships, nutrition, lifestyle, and philosophy. To optimize, the question to ask is: "What is YOUR priority?"

Being uncomfortable is a good reason to ask questions. We assume we have time to think, plan, and create a legacy… until we don't. The smart move is to plan, compose, and prepare in advance with ample time. This can relieve any outside pressure that may come squeezing down on you... or you'll find yourself out-of-time and unable to think properly.

The Wisdoms represent three core qualities in life to create lasting worth that is generous, flourishing, and memorable that you may enjoy now and establish for future generations. Within each of the 3 wisdoms of the Legacy Chief™ program are additional pillars that support and sustain your “legacy worthy” life. This robust experience is best demonstrated in an interactive model. Select "Learn More" on any of the 3 Wisdoms displayed above on this page.

A legacy worthy life entails worthwhile pursuits, high ideals, relationships as a priority, and a deep feeling of awe of the world around us. On the business realm, a legacy worthy enterprise is one with a double bottom line: shareholders and the community at large. Live worthy of a historical legacy that paints a picture of a well-lived life. Consider this your directive to make and put into play your resolutions in any area that needs improvement to create a legacy worth sharing.

"Legacy Worthy" in the news:

He will also have established a foreign policy legacy worthy of the name.
The New York Times
That would be a legacy worthy of any tortoise.
The Economist
It's a legacy worthy of a James Bond villain.
Huffington Post
Those change agents bequeath to us a legacy worthy of their courage and vision.
Huffington Post
Damilola's father, Richard, says he now wants to move forward and establish a legacy worthy of his son.
All supporters can do is place their trust in the current owners to deliver their own legacy worthy of this great club.
The theme suggests Wintour's agenda includes repositioning the event – and indeed her own fashion legacy – as worthy of a museum as opposed to quirkier themes of recent year that have subsequently appealed to fashion's playful side.
The Guardian
“QUEEN ELIZABETH II: I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.”
Queen Elizabeth II: A Legacy Worthy Life

“At any age, while a princess and as a Queen Elizabeth II, she lived a life worthy of a legacy.

“The Lasting Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II. Britain's longest-reigning monarch. ”
THE LASTING LEGACY of Queen Elizabeth II (Legacy worthy life)

"Simple Legacy Worthy Pages"
LEGACY - Be Legacy Worthy
LEGACY - Legacy Worthy Sharing
LEGACY - Legacy Worthy Living
LEGACY - Legacy Worthy Life
LEGACY - Legacy Worthy Life
LEGACY - Legacy Worthy Life
LEGACY - The Legacy Worthy Life
LEGACY - Your Legacy Worthy Life